
Holisticly brand sustainable solutions rather than clicks-and-mortar applications.
Phosfluorescently whiteboard fully tested initiatives.


Embrace orthogonal bandwidth after backward compatible process improvements.

At TECNOLINES we believe that our strength is our people and they make the real difference As an organization, the most important task for us is to help our people become the best they can be and reach the absolute peak of their potential Each person is encouraged to take personal responsibility, and contribute actively to the long term sustainable growth of the business

For TECNOLINES the commitment of its employees is a critical resource Fully realizing that only a satisfied and motivated employee will put his best foot forward with the customers, TECNOLINES has taken many steps to make the organization a ‘Great Place to Work’

TECNOLINES fosters effective value based HR processes for the development of people and their organizational capabilities intending to provide them with a competitive edge and to realize their vision in tandem with the corporate vision

Interactively fashion functional action items after 24/365 results. Dynamically redefine world-class progressively orchestrate enabled metrics without leading-edge markets. Progressively orchestrate enabled “outside the box” thinking via scalable quality vectors. Objectively unleash optimal core competencies.

The Thrust A reas Include

  • Performance Management which links business goals with individual performance goals.
  • Recognizing the competencies and capabilities of the staff through Competency Modelling to help identify and place the right person in the right job.
  • Identifying competency gaps and bridging such gaps through appropriate training and developmental programs.
  • Multi skilling to encourage employees to take up new initiatives in the Company in various areas of operations.
  • Human resources management is a permanent component of TECNOLINES's strategic management philosophy.

The Human Resources Policy adopted by TECNOLINES serves two important functions :

To motivate individuals to take initiative regarding obligations thereby empowering them to accept responsibility for their work and the results

To enable employees to become more successful in attaining business targets, while simultaneously developing the individual on the one hand and encouraging Group activity on the other

By focusing both on Group targets and on human resources, we believe we can better accentuate the importanceof the benefit of individuals in the successful completion of a job.

Working for TECNOLINES means to have an opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of many people around the world. If you wish to take advantage of such a challenging and rewarding opportunity, come and join our global family.

Best Regards

HR Head
